Tuesday 23 July 2013

Advocates, will you please stand up.

Do you want to know more about pumps but don't know where to start?
Are you a keen diabetes advocate and want an opportunity to stand up and be counted?
Want to talk about the burning issues in diabetes care today?

In 2012 the UK's only charity for increasing access to medical technology for diabetes, INPUT, decided to put itself 'out there' and take their knowledge on pumps and medical technology - and how to gain access to them in the UK - to the areas of the country with the lowest uptakes. In doing so, they reached out to the hoards of people either desperate for a pump and not able to get one, or interested but unsure of where to start, or what questions to ask.  
On 5th October this year between 11am and 3pm, they will be hosting their Cornwall Roadshow at the Alverton Hotel, Truro.  Here, the usual leaders in the market providing pump technology will be there to pose your questions to, to chat to about yours or your loved one's hopes and expectations from a pump and offer you the chance to see them first hand. 

This year however, INPUT have added even more to get involved in and excited about.  Following the usual superb roadshow event on Saturday 5th October, Professor John Pickup who is a leading Professor of Diabetes and Metabolism at Kings College London, will be around for a Q&A session about all things diabetes.  Professor Pickup has quite literally led the way in diabetes research, treatments and technologies, is an expert advisor to the National Institute of Clinical Excellence and has received countless prestigious awards for his contribution to the field of diabetes.  NICE.

But if somehow even that wasn't enough for you to get excited about (frankly, you had me at 'Professor Pickup'), then on the Sunday morning (6th October), the INPUT team will be hosting a patient forum 'open mic' session where bloggers and advocates are invited to get involved and get talking.  About anything; about everything.  

So if you have something you want to get talking about; an idea burning its way through your mind; a challenge you think you could help sort out; a vision you want to share, or just a conversation you want to start, then this is your chance.  

The INPUT team look forward to seeing you there! 

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