Friday 22 March 2013

Crazybetes, steel cannulas and I can only apologise for the 'dancing'

 After some major blood sugar wobbles this week I made some changes to my diabetes treatment and added a new weapon to my diabetes arsenal.

I've added a little video to talk about how and why I gave them a try which you can watch here below.

 The cannulas are called 'Sure Ts' by Medtronic and carry lot number MMT 864.

The look like this when you wear them:

And this one is just the box label, in case you have trouble tracking them down.

So, as a newbie myself tell me, do you use Sure Ts and if so, whaddya think?


  1. We use the sure t for phoebe. . . .love em!

    1. Ah awesome! Will you guys be at Glasgow CWD? I'd love to swap notes as by then I will have tried more than 1 :)

      Thanks for posting


  2. Fab first Vlog Anna! Really useful info and easy to watch and understand! Keep up the good work!

    1. Thank you :)

      It took about 67 attempts (noted by the fact the first video was daytime, and the final take was in the dark!!) but got there in the end


  3. Great vlog, some really useful information and nice touch of humour.

  4. Great vlog Anna!

    When I'm infusing subcut I prefer a steel cannula, too. I use Roche Rapid-D's.

    Maybe you need a DiaPort? ;-)

    1. Hey Lesley,

      I've been thinking about the Diaport a lot in the last few days actually - mainly about how difficult it really is when sites go wrong. But things have been smoothe as a button since I changed and I have a suspicion it may be a bad batch of cannulas.

      But if I ever think about switching, I know just the person to ask :)

      Thanks for dropping by x
